Latest Past Events

CRIRSCO/UNFC Reporting schemes in the co-extraction of heat and CRMs from geothermal fluids

The International Raw Materials Observatory (INTRAW) and the University of Miskolc (UNIM) organise a workshop related to the deployment of the combined extraction of CRM and energy from geothermal fluids). The workshop will be held at the University of Miskolc, Hungary, on 8th May 2024, 14:00-18:00 CET. You can find the agenda at the following link. We kindly invite you to participate in the event. It will be held in hybrid format, thus online participation is also an option. The workshop will be a satellite event of the Miskolc Forum Green and Smart symposium and networking event on 9th May, which will focus on the CRM aspects of the raw material arena. In the morning, two parallel workshops will be held: CRM - State of Play  Sustainable Cement and Concrete Seminar The morning sessions will be followed by a 'Greennovation partnership and networking forum for industry and academia'. In addition, a networking dinner is organised on 8th May. Participation in the workshop, the dinner, and the symposium on 9th May is free but registration is required. Detailed information about the travel to Miskolc and the hotel options will be sent to the registered participants, and also the link for those […]

Webinar: Frontier technologies for sustainable extraction of critical raw materials

On 12 March 2024, the RAWMINA and CRM-geothermal projects jointly organised a webinar on "Frontier technologies for sustainable extraction of critical raw materials". Utilising advanced techniques such as adsorption and other innovative separation methods, RAWMINA and CRM-geothermal are redefining possibilities in critical raw materials recovery from mine waste and geothermal fluids. Our webinar served as a platform to delve into the intersecting realms of RAWMINA and CRM-geothermal, facilitating an exchange of insights and discoveries. The recordings of the presentations given are now available online in our new YouTube playlist: