Raw materials from geothermal fluids

Ocurrence · Enrichment · Extraction

The Horizon Europe-funded CRM-geothermal project is:
Developing an innovative technology solution which combines the extraction of critical raw materials and energy from geothermal fluids to decrease the European Union’s dependency on imported resources, supporting the EU Green Deal.

CRM Geothermal

Attain energy transition goals

Extracting Critical Raw Materials (CRM) from geothermal wells would help the EU attain the energy transition goals.

Strategic & environmental benefits

Combined extraction of heat and minerals from geothermal reservoirs has several strategic and environmental benefits over traditional extraction techniques.

Understand CRM occurrence

The project will advance the understanding of CRM occurrence in geothermal fluids and the sustainability of extraction processes.

Address challenges

CRM-geothermal project addresses the challenges of EU-autonomy in CRM production by a comprehensive database and advanced extraction technologies.

EU Green Deal

The CRM-geothermal project will support the strategic objectives of the EU Green Deal and the Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Attain energy transition goals

Extracting Critical Raw Materials (CRM) from geothermal wells would help the EU attain the energy transition goals.

Strategic & environmental benefits

Combined extraction of heat and minerals from geothermal reservoirs has several strategic and environmental benefits.

Understand CRM occurrence

The project will advance the understanding of CRM occurrence in geothermal fluids and the sustainability of extraction processes.

Address challenges

CRM-geothermal project addresses the challenges of EU-autonomy in CRM production by a comprehensive database and advanced extraction technologies.

EU Green Deal

The CRM-geothermal project will support the strategic objectives of the EU Green Deal and the Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Latest news

New milestone reached: Membranes and extraction fluids developed

New milestone reached: Membranes and extraction fluids developed

Task 3.2 focused on the development of ion-exchange polymers formed into beads able to carry out the separation of Li+ from the other cations found in a brine (e.g., Na+, K+, Mg2+, Ca2+). In a later step, such ion-exchange polymers will be formed into membranes to carry out such separation in conjunction of an “extracting fluid”. At the present stage, Li separation from the brine is carried out by a multi-step process. The latter consists in the following elementary steps: (i) selective binding of the brine cations into the beads; (ii) concentration of the cations and modulation of the counter-anions; and (iii) final separation of Li by means of high-efficiency solvent extraction. The beads used for selective Li separation consist of a very inexpensive ion-exchange aromatic polymer, whose production is straightforward and whose physicochemical properties are easy to modulate to tailor selectivity. UNIPD will mainly focus on the extraction of Li from the brines; Sr extraction will be considered at a later stage. The Li extraction will be first tested on synthetic brines and later implemented on natural brines.

Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or HADEA. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

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