The CRM-geothermal team recently completed a fieldtrip to Turkey. Partners from GFZ, the University of Iceland and the University of Miskolc collected fluid, gas, rock and scale samples for further analysis on the:

  • Screening and mapping of Critical Raw Materials (CRM) content in geothermal settings
  • Geological controls of CRM mobility, source and long-term sustainability in different geothermal

The team of Izmir Institute of Technology organised the field trip and the sampling at three geothermal sites:

  • Seferihisar geothermal power plant in the geological setting of Metamorphous Flysch,
  • Tuzla geothermal power plant in a volcanic setting, and
  • Dikili geothermal site, which is used for greenhouse gardening.

At each site, the team was able to access multiple wells and collect fluid and gas samples. The researchers also collected scale samples from the geothermal installations as well as rock sample outcrops of analogue rocks.

In addition to the fieldtrip, chemical engineers from GFZ and Izmir Institute of Technology met in the laboratory facilities in Izmir, to exchange on the experiments for element extraction technologies and discuss the progress made.